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Living in Indonesia | Life and Culture

Obligatory and optional tone change rules in Mandarin

From a student perspective, there are two types of tone changes in Mandarin: obligatory and optional. The first kind you really have to know about, the second is mostly the natural result of speaking more quickly. Do you know what happens when you have several fourth tones in a row? What about second tone sandhi?

Obligatory and optional tone change rules in Mandarin

In other news, I'm still looking for more examples of handwriting (see this article) from native speakers of Mandarin! If you have a friend, partner, teacher or someone else who might be willing to help, please ask him or her to write the following paragraph, scan it or take a good photo and send it to me, along with some basic information such as age, where the person is from and perhaps also some  educational background.

This will be used in a post to show how people write by hand. All contributions are anonymous! Writing in traditional is of course also okay.


In still other news, we're making progress on the next text game, but it will still be some time before it's ready for testing.

That's all for now!

Best wishes,


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Obligatory and optional tone change rules in Mandarin Obligatory and optional tone change rules in Mandarin Reviewed by Zaenal Arifin on 5:13 AM Rating: 5

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