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The Easiest Way to Make Language Learning Easy

Some say that language learning is just about persistence and motivation.

They're wrong.

Have you heard of the "Marshmallow Test"?

There was a famous Stanford study on willpower.

Researchers gave children a choice: they could either eat 1 marshmallow immediately, or wait several minutes to eat 2 marshmallows. 

The researchers followed the children as they grew up, and found some interesting results.

The children who waited for the 2 marshmallows tended to have higher SAT scores, higher education levels, and to be healthier. 

The REALLY interesting part is what comes next.

Researchers noticed that the children who successfully waited for the 2 marshmallows behaved differently.

They would close their eyes, or hide under a table so that they couldn't see the marshmallows.

In short, they were distracting themselves. 

When researchers told the other children this strategy, success rates went up dramatically.

So what does this have to do with language learning?

Language learning isn't really *easy* for anyone.

But we can make it easier by distracting ourselves like the children did. 

Distract yourself with foreign language content that you like.

Indulge yourself in music videos.

Or TV shows. 

Or silly YouTube videos. 

As long as you can use it to distract yourself from the fact that you're learning a foreign language, you're golden!

This is, after all why FluentU works for so many people.

Here's what one user had to say:

"I'm really liking things so far. The problem with other websites is that the material is always the same, preplanned courses etc. Here it varies dependant on what you choose and as long as the videos remain interesting and new ones are added regularly, I can't imagine pure, mind-numbing boredom will kick in like with the rest of them. Which is the reason I have given up on every other site so far, this is the closest digital form of the natural language learning process I've found other than actually being in the country."

Fight Language Learning Boredom with FluentU
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The Easiest Way to Make Language Learning Easy The Easiest Way to Make Language Learning Easy Reviewed by Zaenal Arifin on 10:15 AM Rating: 5

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