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How's Your Language Learning Diet?


How's it going?

Here's a tip - language learning is just like staying healthy.

Get the right diet and exercise, and the rest will take care of itself. 

Simple, right? 

Yeah, right. 

Simple in theory, but actually very difficult in practice. 

It's really hard to find the right content diet. 

The right content:
1) has to be interesting to you. 
2) needs to be at your level. 
3) has to teach you vocab that's immediately useful to you. 

Good luck finding something that satisfies all 3. 

Interesting stuff like music videos or TV shows is usually way too difficult. 

Traditional content is often the right level and sequenced well, but let's face it - they're a total snore-fest.

And what might be good content for your friend, might not be good content for you. 

Here are some directions that I've found helpful in finding the right content:

1) Children's books, TV shows, and songs.
2) TV sitcoms showing classic situations that are easy to recognize.
3) Popular American movies and TV shows that are dubbed in the language that you're learning. 

In case you're looking for something even better, I should also mention our service, FluentU.

FluentU lets you learn languages with real-world videos like music videos and movie trailers.

FluentU specializes in taking TV shows and music videos and turning them into approachable, language learning lessons.  

If you have a chance, I'd urge you to give it a whirl!

Hope you found this helpful!

Alan and the FluentU Team

P.S. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to respond to this email. Let's connect!

P.P.S. Next email: how showering more often can help you learn vocab faster!

Start Improving Your Language Learning Diet Now
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How's Your Language Learning Diet? How's Your Language Learning Diet? Reviewed by Zaenal Arifin on 10:12 AM Rating: 5

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